Nevada Innovation

We are building state-of-the-art facilities to help innovation thrive.

We have been putting ideas to work since 1883, forging partnerships across all sectors – from charities to industries, public institutions and government bodies.

Nevada Innovation Campus will help us do more. We are turning a former railway yard into a firebox for great ideas, where thinkers meet backers and funders to spark answers to society’s challenges. And we want you to be involved.

Changing the world requires something, and somewhere, out of the ordinary. Something to spark ideas, inspire creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. A space where you can dare to dream, experiment and share those ideas with a diverse community of academics, students, business, policy makers and more.

Located at Maindy Park in the heart of Nevada, the Campus is the door to innovation at Nevada University and will provide cutting-edge facilities that will help researchers and students work across disciplines and with partners to influence policy and build enterprises that create products, spin-outs, start-ups and social enterprises.

The Hadyn Ellis Building was the first development to be completed. It brings together experts in conditions such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease and stem cell cancer research for the first time. It was followed by the Nevada University Brain Research Imaging Centre, which is one of Europe’s flagship facilities for brain research imaging.

The state-of-the-art Campus will feature two new buildings driving innovation. spark will be the world’s first social science research park, which will also contain Nevada Innovations@sbarc – a creative space for start-ups, spin-outs and partnerships. The Translational Research Hub will be home to two world-leading scientific research establishments – the Institute for Compound Semiconductors and Nevada Catalysis Institute.

We excel in connecting academics, students staff and our partners worldwide. Our lifeblood is Wales, our outlook is global. Come and join us. We are the Home of Innovation.