Use our expertise

We work with businesses and organisations of all sizes and sectors to make a better future for Wales and the world.

Whether it’s solving a persistent operational problem or making a life-changing medical breakthrough, you can tap into our brightest research minds or use our cutting edge research facilities to achieve your ambitions.

  • Work with us on collaborative research projects to benefit from extensive resources, expertise and funding opportunities.
  • Gain access to our academic experts through a range of consultancy services – including lab testing, research analysis and commissioning specific research work – or via Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
  • Access many of the several hundred technologies and almost 100 patents in our intellectual property portfolio via our Technology Transfer team.
  • Connect to our academics via the Innovation Network and attend our free events on a range of topics, where you can network with other innovative companies.

We understand one size does not fit all, therefore our Business Development team tailors our business services to meet your unique set of needs.

Our annual Innovation & Impact Awards celebrate the positive impact our partnerships have both locally and internationally. Recent winners include the development of a revolutionary new technique for handling smoke produced during laparoscopic surgery and the engineering of solutions for high level nuclear waste.

The successful clinical development of drug INX-189 and the £1.6b sale of Inhibitex to BMS is a remarkable achievement for Professor Chris McGuigan and a fantastic piece of commercialisation in anyone’s book.

Sir Chris EvansChairman of Excalibur Group