
The constitutional framework within which the University operates is based upon its Royal Charter and the supporting Statutes and Ordinances.

The governance arrangements contained within this framework are focused on three main bodies, the Council, the Senate and the University Executive Board (an advisory body to the President and Vice-Chancellor).

Charter, Statutes and Ordinances

The constitutional framework within which we operate is based upon our Charter, Statutes and Ordinances.


Council is the governing body and, as such, the supreme authority of the University. It has the ultimate power of decision in all matters affecting the University.


The Senate is our chief academic authority and is responsible, on behalf of the Council, for determining educational policy.


Court is a widely representative body that meets annually (usually in January) and includes a large number of stakeholders. It is chaired by the Chancellor and receives the Annual Report and Financial statements.


Committees perform a variety of functions. Their terms of reference, as defined by Ordinance or other regulations, set out their membership, powers and duties, and lines of reporting. They may also provide a means of representation and consultation.

Charitable status

The University is a registered charity and the Council acts as the Board of Trustees of the charity. Each member of Council is also therefore a trustee of the charity.