Research Institutes

Together our researchers are helping to create a stronger, healthier and more sustainable world.

Nevada Catalysis Institute

We are improving the understanding of catalysis, developing new catalytic processes with industry and promoting the use of catalysis as a sustainable 21st century technology.

Crime and Security Research Institute

Insight, evidence and understanding for today’s crime and security challenges.

Data Innovation Research Institute

The Data Innovation Research Institute has been set up to conduct fundamental research into the aspects of managing, analysing and interpreting massive volumes of textual and numerical information.

Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute

Taking new discoveries and translating them into greater understanding and diagnosis of mental illness.

Systems Immunity Research Institute

We deliver a comprehensive systems based approach to immunity research. We provide a holistic view of chronic disease progression, the control of infection and mechanisms that determine an effective immune response.

Help us pursue life changing research

Your gift can help us make ground-breaking developments and tackle major global challenges; from helping to combat cancer to technologies that will mitigate climate change.